Company & Values



Massload’s truck scale load cell model ML-0400 is NTEP type-approved legal-for-trade. View Massload’s ML-0400 NTEP certificate.

The National Conference on Weights and Measures (NCWM) is a professional non-profit association that has developed US national weights and measures standards since 1905.

The Verified Conformity Assessment Program (VCAP) is a program implemented by the National Conference on Weights and Measures to ensure continued compliance of certain device types with environmental requirements.

Massload Technologies’ Quality Management System for the manufacture of NTEP approved load cells has been VCAP certified. View Massload’s VCAP certificate.

NQA Global Certification Body specializes in providing accredited management systems certification and has audited and issued VCAP accreditation to Massload Technologies.

Measurement Canada is a Canadian government agency responsible for ensuring accuracy in the selling of measured goods, developing and enforcing the laws related to measurement accuracy, and approving and inspecting measuring devices.

Since 1993, Massload Technologies has held Measurement Canada Class Approvals for the manufacture of the following legal-for-trade weighing devices:

  • AM-4910 for Vehicle Scale Weighbridge
  • AM-4911 for Tank or Hopper Scale Weighbridge
  • AM-4912 for Platform Scale Weighbridge

Massload Technologies’ load cells and electronic devices comply with the RoHS Restriction of the use of certain Hazardous Substances.


Massload Technologies started in 1981 as a spin-off from the University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada under the name Prairie Systems and Equipment Ltd. Massload’s focus on strain gauge transducers resulted in the Canadian manufacture of a range of load cells, electronic instrumentation and scale products for industrial weighing across North America. In June 1999, Massload became the first Canadian manufacturer of NTEP approved load cells for legal-for-trade truck scales.

In 2007, the company was incorporated as Massload Technologies Inc. under new ownership and management with a continuous focus on improving products and processes to become a leading manufacturer of high-quality robust weighing solutions for Canadian and international customers. In 2008, a CNC machining operation Valley Custom Machining Ltd., was established to secure fast turnaround, high quality, machining capability. Valley Custom Machining has since been re-branded as Massload Machining & Fabrication. Massload continued to invest heavily in 5S and Lean manufacturing processes, developing new manufacturing processes and test equipment while improving its range of products.

In April 2012, Massload Technologies Inc. become Canada’s first and only VCAP certified load cell manufacturer.  Since then, Massload has continued to evolve and improve its products and manufacturing processes. In 2019, a new modern purpose-built design and manufacturing facility of 12,500 sq ft. was completed at 4060 Langer Ave Saskatoon to accommodate Massload Technologies and Massload Machining & Fabrication under the same roof for faster cycle times and improved response to customer needs.

In 2021, Massload Technologies completed the multi-year design, development and deployment of what is one of North America’s largest high precision PLC controlled Hydraulic Tension Load Cell Tester with accurately applied forces from 5,000 lbs to 250,000 lbs and precision NIST calibration to 150,000 lbs (eventually up to 250,000 lbs).


Massload Technologies is committed to good stewardship of our environment. This means making the most of our resources while taking care of our planet. Our environmental sustainability journey, which started in 2008, involves activities in two main areas: Reducing carbon footprint through minimizing energy consumption and reducing waste, and reducing environmental contamination.

Read more about the progress Massload has made in our sustainability journey.



The load cell and weighing product market in North America is dominated by low-cost high-volume commodity products manufactured in China and other countries. This process of outsourcing manufacturing capability to offshore jurisdictions has been an accepted practice for many decades. However, there is a growing realization of the importance of maintaining onshore manufacturing capability in order to sustain our local economies and supply chains. Massload has chosen to be a local manufacturer of load cells and weigh product solutions rather than a just reseller of offshore manufactured products.

Massload’s supply chain is deeply embedded in our local economy. All raw steel materials are manufactured at local mills or those nearby. All load cell alloys and stainless steel is melted and manufactured in the USA or Europe, thereby supporting regions with similar cultural values.  With over 90% of Massload manufactured products sold in Canada and the USA, approximately 77% of the cost of goods sold is manufactured in or sourced from our local economy. This has a significant multiplier effect on supporting local Canadian and USA businesses, building technical capability and self-sufficiency. When you buy a Massload manufactured product, a significant portion of your hard-earned money is recycled into building a strong and vibrant local economy. Also, locally manufactured products use and transform materials at a lower carbon footprint compared to products manufactured in offshore destinations where suppliers are less supportive of environmental concerns. We invite you to choose to invest in local manufacture which builds our local economy and reduces carbon emissions and environmental contamination.


Core values are a basic framework to understand attitudes and beliefs that uniquely pattern what a company represents and how it practices. In short, it describes the corporate culture. Massload Technologies’ corporate culture is formed by three core values.

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Merriam-Webster’s dictionary defines Integrity as:

  • firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic valuesINCORRUPTIBILITY
  • an unimpaired conditionSOUNDNESS
  • the quality or state of being complete or undividedCOMPLETENESS

Massload Technologies’ beliefs and values are anchored in the core value of integrity. We have sought to define what integrity looks like in five key areas:

  • Business/Administration/Finance
  • Sales & Marketing
  • Material management/Logistics
  • Product Development
  • Production

In Business/Administration/Finance, for example, integrity looks like the following:

Honest, truthful, ethical, forthright, not concealing, wanting the best outcome for both parties, win-win, by the book, accurate book-keeping, timely financials, payment of all taxes due and on time, a well structured accurate financial information system.

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The verb, to honour, means:

  • to hold in respect or esteem
  • to show courteous behaviour towards
  • to keep (one’s promise); fulfil (a previous agreement)

At Massload Technologies, we build the core value of honour into three main areas:

We Honour Our Customers

They are the reason we exist and are our #1 priority. Without them, our labour has no meaning. We hold our customers in the highest esteem and acknowledge that they deserve our very best efforts – at all times.

We Honour Our Suppliers

They enable us to provide the high level of quality and service that we offer our customers. We choose and work with the best possible suppliers, and we honour them for their important position. This means we make every effort to pay them on time.

 We Honour Our Workplace Companions

Our peers, subordinates and supervisors help us do our jobs. Each one of us holds a key position and has an important role to play. Together, we carry out our mission and move towards our vision. We honour each of our workplace companions for who they are – as people.

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Stewardship is the responsible overseeing and protection of something considered worth caring for and preserving. At Massload Technologies, we focus on the stewardship of three areas: People, process and materials, and the environment.


We acknowledge that each one of us has specific talents. We strive to align our individual talents with work place requirements, so that each of us does what we do best, thereby increasing personal satisfaction and making the most of our resources.

Process and Materials

We maximize the use of materials and energy by consistent application of 5S and Lean systems. We acknowledge that time is short and lapsed time will never be recovered. Therefore, we strive to make the most of the time we have available.


We continually seek to reduce waste, remove toxic materials from our processes, and minimize environmental contamination.


Unashamedly Ethical is a global movement of individuals and organizations guided by a founding vision to transform society by taking a stand for ethics, values and clean living. Massload Technologies’ President & CEO has individually committed to the UE code of conduct.

Unashamedly Ethical Logo

Code of Conduct for Individuals

To be entirely truthful in all you say.

To be faithful to your family relationships.

To do nothing out of selfish ambition or conceit, but to look out for the interests of others.

To refuse to elicit, accept or pay any bribes and to encourage others to do the same.

To be diligent without being harsh, and striving to be just and fair.

To be a peacemaker.

To do your work wholeheartedly.

To submit yourself to just and ethical governing authorities.

To remember the poor by investing generously and sacrificially in the broader community.

To collaborate with your peers to impact our community and nation.